Transforming Lives Everyday

Tooth Extractions in Garden City

At times, it becomes important to remove an odd tooth to maintain good oral health and a happy smile. If you are in a dilemma, visit our dentist in Garden City, Robert M. Peskin DDS to find a solution. Find out more about Tooth Extraction in Garden City by reading this article.

What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure which involves the removal of a tooth. At most, dentists will try to avoid tooth extraction. But in certain conditions, tooth extraction is unavoidable.

3 Conditions When Tooth Extraction in Garden City is Needed.

  1. If you have had a severe infection, that has destroyed a portion of your teeth and the bone structure supporting your tooth.
  2. When it is impossible to restore your tooth that has been decayed, you need it.
  3. Crowding or improper fit of teeth can lead you to extract the disturbing tooth.

Our Cosmetic Dentistry in Garden City will discuss the procedures for extraction of the tooth as well as other alternatives to extractions and replacement of teeth to avoid complications.

What Is the Cost of Tooth Extraction?

Cost of tooth extraction may differ according to the impact to the tooth. Simple extraction in combination with anesthesia may cost more. The cost to remove an impacted tooth is higher. Dental insurance can be of help to avoid out-of-pocket expenses.

What is the Procedure of Tooth Extraction in Garden City?

Once you're ready to get your tooth extracted. Our Garden City Dentist Robert M Peskins DDS will make use of local and safe anesthesia that will numb your tooth, jaw bone and gums. During the extraction process, a sense of pressure will build-up for widening the socket to remove your teeth. By now you might feel a tingling pressure. The anesthetic will dampen the pain.

Sectioning and Extraction of Tooth:

In a few circumstances, your teeth may require tooth sectioning. It is a very common procedure done when the tooth is firm in the socket. It is also done when the root is curved and socket cannot expand to enable tooth extraction.

Our Dentists in Garden City segment the tooth into different sections and remove the tooth by each of the sections.

What to do After Tooth Extraction in Garden City?

After the tooth extraction procedure is done, you might feel a minuscule amount of pain and swelling. This usually subsides within a period of 48 hours.

Within a period of 24 hours, you can switch back to your normal dental routine by brushing and flossing your teeth.


If you're looking for a Tooth Extraction in Garden City, contact Robert M. Peskin by calling us at 516-980-2434 and schedule an appointment today and bring back your smile.

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